5 Clever ways ripen fruit faster for a sweeter result
I didn’t know these! Did you?
Alissa Gaskell

Do you linger in the fruit section longer because you just can’t tell which ones are almost ripe? It’s pretty confusing, really, the whole fruit-picking process. You could end up going home with a fruit that takes a few more days to ripen, or one that’s actually already ripe and can go bad fast.

Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels
Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels

Thankfully, experts have divulged some amazing tips on how to ripen fruit faster.

The best part is, these hacks are also quite simple and require items you’ll surely have around the house.

Photo by Taryn Elliott from Pexels
Photo by Taryn Elliott from Pexels

The first tip is a method called “flour in a bag”, perfect for avocados.

All you need is a paper bag and flour. Just put the avocado in a paper bag, cover the fruit with flour, and seal the bag. Easy, right? The flour soaks up residual moisture, keeping your fruit safe from mold and bruising. The flour also helps concentrate the ethylene gas released by the avocado.

Photo by Foodie Factor from Pexels
Photo by Foodie Factor from Pexels

If you love peaches and always find yourself wishing you could “help” them ripen perfectly, here are a couple of tricks you can easily do.

Leave peaches out on the counter where they can get direct sunlight.

A spacious counter is ideal for this method as peaches generally shouldn’t be touching one another. But keeping them in a bowl is okay too, as long as you don’t stack too many on top of each other. Direct sunlight helps speed up the ripening process but do make sure the spot you pick for your peaches doesn’t get too hot. Too much heat will give your fruit mushy spots.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

You can also try the linen cloth method.

For this, you’ll need two clean linen napkins or cotton tea towels. The first step is to lay down a clean napkin or tea towel in a dry area. Flatten the napkin and arrange your peaches stem-side down, making sure they don’t touch. Then lay the other napkin or towel on top of the peaches and tuck in the sides to close off fresh air.

In just a few days, you’ll get a whiff of that strong, delicious peach-y smell. That means they’re ready!

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Are your mangoes still looking a little pale?

Try this clever “rice in a bowl” hack from India.

It involves covering unripe mangoes in uncooked rice, quite similar to the paper bag method as it traps ethylene, too. Simply put your mangoes in a bowl and cover them completely in uncooked rice. You’ll need to be more careful with this method, though. Avoid being stuck with over ripened mangoes by checking on the rice-covered fruits every 6 to 12 hours.

Photo by julie aagaard from Pexels
Photo by julie aagaard from Pexels

Did you know you can also enjoy unripe fruit by cooking it?

Poaching is the best technique. Doing so brings out the fruit’s natural flavors. So if you’re craving for that sweet and sour taste, go ahead and cook your fruit! It’s also a great way to soften the fruit, and it even decreases its bitterness.

Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva from Pexels
Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva from Pexels

If you find yourself stuck with overripe fruit, don’t fret! Food should never go to waste.

You can use overripe fruits for baking. Get creative with a cobbler, cake, or pie and have the entire kitchen smelling heavenly.


Or you can turn the fruits into jam so you can still enjoy them with the usual breakfast or afternoon tea staples.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

And if you’re eager to get into that healthy lifestyle, then toss the fruits into a blender and whip yourself up a delicious smoothie!


Try some of these tips today!

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